Englewood Arts Collective
Sep 30, 2023
Live Performance by J Bambii!!!
Saturday, Sept 30th catch me in conversation with @tonikaj @thoughtpoet77 + A special guest will discuss what & and how artmaking exists for them outside “traditional” gallery space—and what community is in relation to that. (That’s a really fancy way of saying come support the homies and experience @expochicago exhibition weekend from the that is @gertie.chicago in Englewood) @otez.g will be moderating the talk A special break from the @oprah_gucci , and a *very* special top-tier contemporary artist is set to join the discussion, too. #staytuned This is part of a city-wide exhibition exploration event, So get a map and stamp at @growgreaterenglewood village market 58th + Halsted 2: 11am-come kiki as we ruminate and are welcome to hold space in Corie’s space at his @brandingenglewood / @englewoodbranded ‘s Breakroom on 63rd + Justine Free.99 #foldingthemap #cxw2023 #chicagoexhibitionweekend #englewoodartscollective #gertie #expochicago #southsidechicago #artartart #collaboration